Now before you get puzzled about which picture is leading to which page, I decided to write a short explanation and help to make the navigation a little bit easier!
OK: The Synopsis leads you to a page with a short synopsis (like the picture says), and I wrote also my own, nerving comments into this synopsis! Fortunately I wrote it in italic, so you always will be able to differentiate between my comments and what's happening during the show! If you don't know the song's lyric, you can directly browse to it, because I linked the songs mentioned in the synopsis!
The History tells you the story of turning a book full of poems into a two-and-a-half-hour-musical called CATS. I didn't put any pictures into the text, because in this case it would be misplaces and unnessessary, because the story itself is pretty interesting! Go and read it, you'll see what I mean! :-)
The Texte-page contains the lyrics of the Hamburg-CATS, the Vienna-CATS and the Norway-CATS. The
English version is in preparation, and all pages were written by Growltiger (thanx, big, old, lazy and awfull looking Cat :-)) *grin*)! A
lot of people ask me if there are chords for guitar and if I can send them to them! As far as I know the official score - which you can
buy in every music-store - has some accords, but I think they are written for piano... at least it doesn't sound well enough! However, if
you want to try it on your own, you can do so, but please don't ask me for sending you the chords! It would mean a lot of work which
needs a lot of time - which I don't have! You can go to the library (they should have it), or just buy the score, it's not that expensive!
If you're searching for the exact score for only the guitar-part - like the orchestra's people or the conductor have -, I have to disappoint
you: Even I don't have everything, and the complete score is also not available!
The pictures, which shows some of the cats - at least they should do that -, lead you to the cats of CATS-page! On this page you can look for the characterization of every single cat, plus some pictures, some audio-samples, the cast-lists and the international names of the character! This chapter is the biggest, so take enough time to go through it! :-)
The eyes leads you to a link-page with a bunch of links to other CATS-pages! Unfortunately I haven't had enough time to surf through the Internet for other CATS-pages, so if you know a CATS-page that I don't know or if a link isn't working any more, please report it to me, my E-mail-address is written on the bottom of every page! Thanx!
A lot of people who have seen the show atill ask themselves: "What is a Jellicle Cat"?? Well, this page is answering this question, and to be true: It's a little bit tricky...
The Analysis is - unfortunately - not written by myself, but out of a book that is about the different
musics of all Andrew Lloyd Webber-musicals. So it is an analysis of the music written by Lloyd Webber, and it isn't any positive
at all! The author doesn't seem to be a music-professor, but nonetheless this analysis is a professional one!
I didn't put any pictures into this page, too, because the site is pretty big, anyway, so it would need a lot longer to download
the file completely! And besides: Pictures in this page would be as misplaced as in the history!
The book is linked to the Guestbook! Feel free to write down your comments, critics and questions!
The Cookie -page is a little page which I created when I was bored and got the idea to make the page a little bit more interactive! You just enter your name in this field and you will get a cookie - and whenever you enter the Index.htm, this name will be displayed together with the counter in the same line! It's like a peronal greeting... Everything else is explained on this page!
The Interaktive-page is the firs attemt to make my page interactive. Here you can vote for your ten favourite characters. When you click on "Submit", an email with ONLY the hitlist and the sender's email-address will be sent automatically to me, and I collect the emails and actualize the Interactive-page once in a while! The advantage of this method is that you can't vote twice, so it is more democratic!
The Webboard is - last but not least - a place where a bunch of crazy CATS-fans communicate with each other. Feel free to join us, there are no rules - exepting that you must NOT make any trouble or post something that's illegal to your law!
Just choose a nickname (if you want to) and write your questions, comments and so on!